Ohhhh my. Lazy few days forrr me. Naltai and I haven't leveled recently but we did run into a super helpful red mage who helped us get our skull. So we are set for subjobs... as soon as we manage to get back to leveling =^.^=
I recently discovered that Windhurst is very well known for it's silk cloth production and as such, the thread used to make the cloth is in very high demand, after selling a stack I pulled the crystals I've horded in my moghouse out and managed to get my Bonecrafting up to level 6. I'm making arrowheads, which I've been forcing upon Naltai because she made the mistake of telling me she wished to level woodworking >:)
I've also spent the time working on my "image". As anyone who has met Nanaa knows, half of being a thief is style. Firstly, I decided to be a trendsetter and came up with this:

Cute huh? Naltai seemed to like, and since I did it I've noticed a few mithra running about with tail ribbons as well.
I'm also not much of a fan of Lizard armor. For a mithra, who is naturrrally tan who happens to have brown hair, decking myself out in brown armor is just ... blah. So after much shopping I came up with this outfit:

What do you think? It's muuuuch easier to move in too. I can't stand heavy armor.
I like it, especially the blue outfit. But I'm no Mithra, so I'd have to go shopping elsewhere for my Taru shape. Any suggestions (links)?
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