It's been a long time since I stood herrre ...
Figurrred it was about time I returned to Windurst. Besides, all those letterrrs from Naltai beggin' me to come back home were getting old.
My hair's grown out a bit, traveling to exotic lands like I have can do that to you I guess. It's good to be home though.

Moogle was ecstatic to see me. Kupoed on about how well he took care of my pet fishies while I was gone, tried to fill me in on the lastest Conquest reporrrts and commented on my dusty clothes all in one breath. Afterrr settling in for a bit I went to meet with Tai, and togetherrr we headed outside Windurst with some old friends of ours.

My how they've grown! They make me feel so small, but I love them to pieces and have missed them. It's good to be home.
((Yup, the cat is back. Atleast until Vanguard:SOH comes out ;) I'm sorry for my abrubt departure, I downloaded an EQ2 trial and that was the end of that. The RP there was INSANE and I had a ton of fun. I've updated my links list and I think everything should be working, if you've changed your URL and I haven't caught it please let me know ^^ ))
<3<3<3<3<3 I missed my favorite Mithra's! Much fun lies ahead for all of us! woot
Wow, eight months on the dot, eh? Where have you been? What have you been up to?!
And of course {Welcome back.}
Ooo, it was 8 months on the dot, good eye Strawberrie. Crrreeeeepy
Hehe, I've been playing other MMOs. Played EQ2 for about six months till they changed my crafting and hit my class with a nerf bat all in the same update :( Dabbled in a few others like Eve Online and Star Wars Galaxies trying to find something to play, decided to come back to FFX. It lacks a lot of the roleplay community I usually require to play a game but you really can't beat home ^^ And if I practice putting my blinders on I can still stay in character, hehe.
And, *hugs teh Kortie*
Oh my god... You're back?!
Sorry for the late post. I just saw a comment of yours on Terry's blog.
Welcome back!
Wow, I've got some reading to do.
I am, I snuck back in :D
And somehow missed your blog in updating my links, glad you commented and thank you for the welcome. You guys make me feel loved ^^;
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