Squeeee! Lookit! Lookit!

Isn't she cute?! Look at that little ball of yellow fluff! She's even cuterrr than she was as an egg. I was out of town for a few days and when I got back to Windurst I was verrry excited to check in on my egg. The choco tarrru (who's name I can never seem to rrremember...) met me at the door, grrrabed my tail and drug me back to see what my little egg had become.
She's the cutest thing everrr, and anyone who says she isn't can meet me outside the city gates. I sat with herrr for a while, feeding her bits of carrot paste while I tried to think of a name. I finally settled on Ayu Momo, it means 'cute little one' in Mithrrran. Though I know she wan't be little forrr long, since even as a baby she's nearrrly up to my knee! *giggles*
I registered her name with the VCS and the choco taru told me I should trrry taking her on a little walk. It was so cute watching her stumble up the rrramp and out of the stables. I walked as slow as I could and switshed my tail , old mithrrra mama trick, little ones love to chase yourrr tail be they cat or bird =^-^=

She was so good following me the shorrrt way to the gates, she kept getting distrrracted by things in Saruta, and the she afrraid of the mandies but that's a baby for you. Naltai has an egg at the stables too and I now she can't wait for herrrs to hatch. We're hoping it's a boy so we can brrreed them someday.
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