So busy, whew!
While wanderrring through Jeuno a few days ago I was flagged down by a mithrra named Luto, I was suprised because she was wearing something that I'm willing to bet was made my Naltai. I'm glad to see herrr designs catching on. She prattled on about looking for someone to gather some inforrrmation for her. I wasn't paying much attention until she said the magic word.... trrreasure.
That worrrd always makes my ears perk up, mreowr. I spent some time working on making my feet hurrrt running around for her. On my way back to deliever some inforrrmation I'd dug up I encountered a hume women who was looking for her lost daughter.

I was willing to help, I can only imagine losing my kitten... if I had one. I didn't rrreally need to offer though since before I could open my mouth my new friend Luto volunteered me. I asked arrround town and someone actually saw the little girl heading outside of town. What little girrrle in a right mind, hume or not, would wander out to Batallia Downs?
Least she was outside, so much easierrr to pick up a sent outside of town. I grrrabed Tai, who was also doing some worrrk for Luto and together we head out. After finding the girrrl's trail we followed it to... Eldieme Necropolis. Starrrting to wonder about this little girl's intelligence... mithrrra back in Kazham would call that naturrral selection. But... in we go!
And good thing we did because we found the little girl, AND we found the mithrrra I suppose to be gathering information on. We also found... a very angry dead guy.
((Two deaths for me, one for Tai and five attempts before we beat him once for each of us. But we did this whole quest with a 30RDM/15WHM and 30THF/15NIN. I'm proud :) ))He, was NOT a happy camperrr! Thankfully Tsuim helped us out and we got the little girrrl back safely. So where's my trrreasure you ask? Good darrrn question! I got no trrreasure, in fact I got another job. Pfft, this time to Sandoria to look for some mirror or something or another that Tsuim and Luto were interested in. Only thing that got me therrre was the thought of all those elvaan men. *grins*
So off to Sandoria... did I mention that my feet hurrrt? After going there somehow, I'm still not clearrr how but I blame Naltai, I ended up looking down the throat of a dragon.

After all that, I still didn't get any trrreasure! But, I did make some new frrriends.

((Finally! I've wanted to do this quest forever! Very glad to finally have my NPCs. And as a bonus, Naltai's NPC looks like my first character, the one I played when he first met me ))