AyuMomo grrrew up!
( Strawberrie is gonna kill me >.>)

The choco taru lady told me how beautiful her color is, and I agree! Though it looks sorrrta like she just needs a really good bath...
Somehow grrrowing up made her really grumpy. Chocotarulady suggested I let her compete against other chocobos to work off some time and oddly enough, on ourrr walk to the Canyon today I ran into three pompous hume guys who challenged me to a race. Ha! We'll see about that.

((Her care plan was:
1: Take a Walk 4 days
2. Take a Walk 2 days
3. Listen to Music 2 days
4. Take a Walk 2 days.
She was fed mostly cheap things, because I'm poor. She got a vomp carrot once but mostly she ate gysahl greens and a sandorian carrot now and then. I took her on walks every day as much as I could and watched over her a handful of times a day. Her Strength got to substandard two days before she grew up, and right after growing up both Strength and Stamina are substandard, with everything else at poor.))
Congrats on your 'cobo. She looks very cute :P And don't worry about Berrie hating you.. she already hates me for mine.. And the fact that she says it has the avian choco flu. T.T
Hope she grows up to be the best 'cobo around. :D
Thank you very much :D I'm trying to build her to be fast, perhaps later I'll raise one with a focus on digging or something else.
And I'm really hoping that the her color means she's going to be black, or I'll understand Berrie's anger at her yellow :P
I hate you both. Be glad you're on a different server, Pahya. Celius is gonna get a taste of some Taru Wrath though... D:!!!
Nya nya m^.^
*hides in the safety of Carbuncle*
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