I made a new frrriend!

This is Hachiatama, I met him in Windurst Waterrrs... or actually he ran into me in Waters, literrrally. I think he's a new trainiee with one of the Minesteries, he asked me to show him wherrre the Saruta gate was. Looking down at this shorrrt little thing who crrrashed right into my legs I wondered how in the world something so small could wanna go out to Saruta. He looked like Yagudo bait and I told him so. Turns out, he's a little scrrraper! Afraid that if I didn't show him the gate he'd start biting my ankles I guided him out and watched him squish any rarab or mandy in his way. Birrrds on the other hand... *giggles*
He's verrry cute, like all taru. And I plan on making him my little dress up doll, if he likes it orrr not.
You'll also notice that I finally brrroke down and cute my hair back to how it use to be. Having long hairrr was nice, but yesh does it get in the way.
((Hachi is an old roleplayer friend of my and Tai's from our WoW days. We love him to tiny bits and pieces and really hope he chooses to stay around Vana'diel for a while with us :) ))
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