Vacation time!
That's rrright, I've been working so hard recently it's time forrr this cat to take a vacation. Sitting in Windurst Naltai asked me what we were going to do that night. I rrran through the things in my head, -Chase goblins in the Jungles? Hunt trrreasure in Gusgen? Pick the pockets of rrrandom passersby? Or... hmm.... clams.-
So off to Purgonorgo Isle we went! Tai had neverrr been and I'd only been once a long time ago so I was excited to show her arrround.

Even just waiting for the manaclipperrr was relaxing, though I had to talk Tai out of poking the Efts to see what they'd do. Swimsuits, while adorable, do not make good armor. After annoying the nearby efts for a while the boat arrived and we were off.

The manaclipper rrride is so much more fun than the usual ferry trip. The waters are just beautiful! It was rrreally hard not to dive over the side, I wanted to go swiming in those crystal waters so badly, patience... not a virtue of mine.
The other neat thing is that there's a tour guide, and a cute mithrrra tour guide at that.

The boat rrride was over too soon if you ask me, but when it ended we were on the beautiful shores of Purgonorgo Isle. Clams here I come!
I gave Tai a short tour of the island, she got a huge kick out of the uruganites. *giggles* Especially since she leaned on one thinking it was a rrrock and nearly knocked me over in a panic when the thing moved. After gathering her wits she squeeled and began an excited babble about how cute they are, which they are .. in a mossy-squid-rock kinda way.

We spent a wonderrrful day on the beaches, fishing and splashing in the water and of course, digging up clams. Best clams in Vana'diel come from Purgonorgo and if you can manage to get them open with your bare hands (thank you claws!) they're very yummy fresh. By the time we were done we had a pile of empty clam shells next to us about a foot high and very happy kitten tummies.
We sat on the beach and talked for a long while, letting the waves wash over our feet and our tails, watching the sun set. I should go on vacation morrre often, if only to give me reason to wearrr this cute outfit.

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