Saturday, December 31, 2005

A verrry productive night for Naltai and I!

We again found ourrrselves in Dunes, hunting. The group we managed to get together seemed a bit rocky at first but after the red mage just stopped... doing anything? (-.-) for four fights and was kicked we found the cutest little taru black mage who also knew how to heal. He didn't seem to speak the same language as the rest of us... weird one. But with a ninja keeping the monsters attention we made very nice progress!

I gained nearly three levels in that parrrty, including 15! I learned how best to hit a monster when it's back is turned and worked out a very nice renkei with the ninja with Naltai and the cute taru both nailing magic bursts. The goblins, snippers and flies didn't stand a chance!

Speaking of which... Naltai and I both managed to find a Crab Apron and a Damselfly Worm! Now... if we can only get overrr our fear of undead and snag one of their skulls we'll be set...

The undead scare me though >.>

((We also managed to get two of our VERY dear old friends from our old server to create alts on Carbuncle and goof off with us for a few hours. I haven't laughed so hard in ages! It's been from 6 months to a 1 year since we last saw them and it was just like old times. Gitaroo, Kelanor you guys rrrock my now-mithra socks =P ))

Thursday, December 29, 2005

(Level 14! Yay! One more level till I'm actually useful.)

Morrre exploring the elvaan city for me again today. I had just stepped out of the Windhurst Consul when I came upon this little elvaan boy crying...

It seemed he'd lost his father, after wandering around the city for a bit I came upon this man in the weapons shops.

What followed was a very not nice reunion!

Took his darrrn fishing pole! I guess not *all* elvaan men are hot.

Poorrr little guy.

After that Naltai and I decided to make the journey back to the Dunes to hunt a bit more. It was a pretty successful run, we both gained two levels and the parrty was mostly nice, though most of them were green. They tried harrrd and that's all that really matters.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I visited the elvaan lands for the first time last night and came to a starrtling conclusion: Elvaan men are HOT.


Naltai didn't seem to interrrested by them but I wouldn't mind tailing one orrr two home. Also, they seem to have some strrrange love for walls. How can you enjoy the trees if you're always surounded by walls? Still, they seem to manage, they certainly did a good job decorrrating for Starlight.

Even their trees are extrrra tall....

Tai dragged me to the cathedral with much protest from me, not that I complained anymore when I rrrealized the place was FULL of elf men. Mrrrowr. One of them gave me some job to fetch waterrr for him. Who knows....